Charles Wang

Associate Professor
Operations Management and Strategy

  • Chair, MBA and MS Committee


PhD in Operations Management, Syracuse University
MS in Computer Engineering, Syracuse University
BE in Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University


  • MGO 630: Operations and Service Management
  • MGS 617: Spreadsheet Programming for Business
  • MGO 636: Supply Chain Analytics
  • MGO 795: Doctoral Seminar in Operations Management

Research Interests

  • Supply Chain Incentives and Coordination
  • Behavioral Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainable Operations
  • Supply Chain Strategy

Selected Publications

Qian, Z., Wang, C.X., and Yang, H. 2024. Association between corporate diversification strategies and inventory performance: a firm-level investigation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, forthcoming.

Fahimnia, B., M. Pournader, E. Siemsen, E. Bendoly, and C. Wang. 2019. Behavioral operations and supply chain management – A review and literature mapping. Decision Sciences 50 (6), 1127-1183 (lead article).

Wang, C. X., S. Webster, and S. Zhang. 2011. A comparison of two sourcing tactics for a new component. European Journal of Operational Research, 211 310-317.

Wang, C. X., S. Webster. 2009. Markdown Money Contracts for Perishable Goods with Clearance Pricing. European Journal of Operational Research 196 1113-1122.

Wang, C. X., S. Webster, N.C. Suresh. 2009. Would a risk-averse newsvendor order less at a higher selling price? European Journal of Operational Research 196 544-553. 

Wang, C. X., S. Webster. 2007. Channel coordination for a supply chain with a risk-neutral manufacturer and a loss-averse retailer. Decision Sciences, 38 361-389. Featured Article.

Awards and Recognition

  • Decision Sciences Journal Best Paper Finalist Award, 2007
  • Syracuse University Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2003


  • Director, MS in Supply Chains and Operations Management Program, 2013-2018
  • UB School of Management MBA/MS Program Committee: 2006-present 
  • UB School of Management Policy Committee: 2007-2009; 2016-2018; 2023-present
  • UB School of Management Personnel Action Committee: 2007-2009; 2016-2018
  • Supply Chains and Operations Management Club Faculty Coordinator, 2006-2011
  • UB School of Management Undergraduate Program Committee: 2005-2006